Model UN Novgorod 2018

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International Academy’s Model United Nations Club recently returned from attending NovMUN conference in Veliky Novgorod, 200 km to the south of St. Petersburg. This year, our fourth year to participate, 8 students from the high school participated in a two-day simulation of the work of the United Nations with over 100 other students from St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod. IA’s students participated in different «Commissions» covering a wide-range of relevant and pressing world issues — from protecting the rights of persons with disability, to pursuing the disarmament of the Korean peninsula. Two of our students — James Rivers and DJ Coe — took on leadership roles as Vice President and a committee chair respectively. And 3 out of our 6 student delegates received the prestigious awards of «Best Delegates». However, the importance of such events is not in awards or titles (though those are fun) but rather in what our students get out of such experiences. And here we will let the students speak for themselves.

«I have now been to three NovMUN conferences. Each year that I have gone I have grown in my ability to speak in front of people, gained confidence, and learned about so many interesting questions being debated in the world. More importantly though, I had the opportunity to partake in something bigger than just some high schoolers debating on the best ways to solve world problems. I had the opportunity to be a part of a young generation getting involved in our world’s problems, learning to work together, to educate ourselves on what is happening in the world, and to always strive for a solution and making the situation better. This NovMUN conference was the best one I have been to out of the three. The debates were heated and productive. I loved getting to know new people, making friends, and together working on solutions the problems we were discussing. It was a wonderful conference and I am very glad that I decided to go, despite not really wanting to go at first.»
— Veronica Frankner, 12th Grade.


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